Embrace transformation - Nothing Gold Can Stay

'Echoes of Autumn's Breath' (Monoprint on paper). 29 x 41 cm.
'Echoes of Autumn's Breath' (Monoprint on paper). 29 x 41 cm.

I love the arrival of autumn with its rich, deep hues. There's something grand about walking through a landscape illuminated with fiery reds and striking yellows. 

But as the days pass and the vibrant colours slowly fade, I find it increasingly difficult to keep my inner flame burning. Just as the landscape begins to retreat, so does my energy. 

After an active season of foraging vibrant botanical materials and transforming them into pigments and paint, I struggle to slow down and adopt a more mindful, measured pace.

The transition from autumn to winter seems to happens so quickly, and I often feel like I can hardly keep up. But as the once-brilliant colours of autumn disappears and the bare landscape emerges, I'll try to embrace this change and challenge myself to see it with fresh eyes.

Robert Frost's poem Nothing Gold Can Stay comes to mind — I think his words beautifully captures the inevitability of this natural process.

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.