Quick paintings after Oswaldo Guayasamín

As an art student, you do extensive research about art history, other artists and the many different isms...
The research is supposed to help you, guide you, force you to question and in the process develop your own personal artistic voice.
I have studied so many interesting historic and contemporary artists on the way. But I have favourites of course and the Ecuadorian master painter and sculptor Oswaldo Guayasamin (1919 - 1999) is one of my favourite artists.
I find his work dark, raw and an honest reflection of the pain and misery of mankind.
I have made some quick painting studies using paintings by Guayasamin as a reference.
I experimented with different kinds of fluid paint on different kinds of backgrounds such as acrylic covered paper and also using Shellack as a background.
The shellack created very interesting effects together with the ink. They resisted each other and the ink did not want to stick to the surface!
This created unpredictable but interesting results!