The Spectre of Print: a Celebration of Ghosts
When I told my family that my work had been chosen to be part of this exciting group show, my youngest daughter shouted out excitedly:- "Oooh are we going to Canada now?!!"...
I do wish we could have travelled to see the show in real. But the online show looks amazing and it is really fascinating to see the variety within the term "ghost print".
The show features both local and international artists, all of whom use the phenomenon of ghost prints in their work.

In-person viewings are welcome by appointment but if you are not a local you can check it out online at: (until 21 Nov 2021).
Thank you Maureen daSilva and other truly committed staff at InPrint Collective in Ontario, Canada for curating and making this show happen, I am honoured to be part of it!